All listed projects are available for presentation in our head office in Novi Sad. Although you might notice that certain listings lack client names, those projects are also available for review and analysis of programming solutions. The list includes only the most significant of over 80 projects completed in the last 15 years.
A BigData project for data harvesting of all internet content that determines trends in marketing, politics, show business etc. Performing complex data analysis on this content using state of the art machine learning alorithms. Goal is to extract list of most influential people on the internet, to build graph of how people are connected, to profile them, track their activity and determine their marketing potential, their reach, and determine interests of people that follow them on social networks and other sites, tracking brands popularity trends, trends in US politics etc. Technical side of the project demands acquiring, storing and processing billions of records of data on a daily basis.
Apache Storm, Apache Hadoop, MongoDB, Java, MySQL, Backbone JavaScript, Backbone, jQuery and jQuery plugins, HTML & CSS
Fanwave is a Facebook based platform. It helps Facebook page admins increase their page engagement, distribute their best content and accurately monitor the attention they receive from the Facebook community.
.NET Framework, C#, ASP.NET MVC 4, JavaScript, Backbone, jQuery and jQuery plugins, HTML & CSS, SQL Server 2012
Babylon Human Translation Project (see live) web based data driven application for human language translation. System allows users to register and submit text to translation to one or multiple targeted languages. It is possible for user to become translator allowing him to use language knowledge and earn money. System has internal rating system, together with users' rating, allowing that best fitter available translator is always selected for user that submitted text for translation.
.NET Framework, C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, SQL Server 2005
DigitalPal is social networking website aimed to gather and connect people around media - namely, films, music, books, and video games. It has section for each of previously named media types. It allows users to share thoughts, opinions, and suggestion on movies, bands, books, and video games. System has recommendation engine giving suggestions based on user ratings. System can make suggestions based on user friends' experience. User is able to suggest any media item to pals directly on application or social media.
Data displayed in DigitalPal is imported from different sources and displayed for easier interpretation and view. Application is matching movies and music with YouTube videos, which allows user to see trailer or to hear song of favorite bend easily.
.NET Framework (4.0), C#, ASP.NET MVC 2, JavaScript, jQuery and related plugins, custom functionality made using jQuery (notifications and asynchronous web page parts update), HTML & CSS, SQL Server 2008
The social people directory created by the community of people. All profiles are created by users and accuracy of data is voted out by users of the site. For instance, are you looking for a good plumber in your neighborhood? It simple, go to the platform, search for a plumber in your region and you will see what other people have to say about him. Application is tiddly integrated with Facebook and Twitter, by utilizing single sign on and whole set of "publishing" APIs of social networks (e.g. post a status on Twitter, post a comment on FaceBook, share profile on Facebook, etc).
.NET Framework, C#, ASP.NET MVC 3, JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery plugins, jQuery plugins customisation (upclick file upload plugin, file upload plugin, FlexBox dropdown controls converter, FlexSlider image gallery slider, JCrop web browser image crop tool), HTML & CSS, SQL Server 2008